Annual Spring Cleanse
March 31 - April 4, 2025
Our Spring Cleanse is an annual favorite where community members come together virtually to invigorate, renew, and uplift their whole system with time-tested seasonal Ayurvedic practices and nutritional guidance. This 5-day self-paced experience provides participants with recipes, tools, and personalized support to enter into the new season with bolstered health and inspired confidence.
With each unique seasonal transition, we are invited into new routines that facilitate greater alignment with the inherent wisdom and energy of that season.
Spring invites us to lighten, uplift, and reinvigorate the system as we emerge into a season of outward expression.
*2025 Theme Announcement*
Exploring the varied emotional experiences through the lens of Yoga and Ayurveda

Why a Spring Cleanse?
Seasonal cleanses are an important aspect in Ayurvedic lifestyle and general health maintenance as they encourage proper elimination of accumulated physical and mental ama (waste / toxicity), improve digestive and metabolic functioning, nourish the mind and nervous system, and provide space for rejuvenation of the whole being.
· Congestion, mucus, or seasonal allergies
· Gas, bloating, or heaviness in the gut
· Sluggish bowels or appetite
Are you feeling...
Do you need more...
· Clarity and energy
· Motivation or zest for life
· Focused attention
· General lightness of being
· Connection and Community
The Reset is a fully-supported, self-guided experience, which can be done at your own pace, with the added benefit of a strong group container to lean onto. You will be offered simple dietary recommendations and may participate in optional daily sessions, including conversations, yoga and pranayama practices, yoga nidra, and 1:1 office hours, to further deepen your experience.
What’s included:
· specific seasonal nutritional guidance, with a focus on a mono-diet cleanse
· lifestyle modifications to support you through early spring and summer
· two live yoga and pranayama classes
· breathwork to uplift and enliven to the body and mind
· live Ayurvedic information sessions to further deepen our innate wisdom
· season-specific practices to take with you throughout Spring and Summer
· heart-centered community and a support group of friends from all over the country
$150 / $125 for return Cleansers
Cash or check to Wisdom Roots Wellness
(Price for Venmo: $155/$130 @wisdomroots)

By adopting a seasonal routine to mark one season's end and another's start, we come into deeper harmony with the intelligence of nature, awaken our innermost biological memory, and feel ease in body and mind.